See our guests retirement testimonials and listen to their stories how the stay at our Care Home influenced their life.

What people say
about us.
Katharina Kindler November 9, 2019
It‘s a great place. They really care and you can feel the love and good feelings if you walk into the house. We visited several times a very good friend of us there and we‘ve been happy to see how he was treated. For me and my husband it‘s clear, if we will ever need such a support, we will join Carewell!!!
“ The best place I could find for my wife and me.” - The Story of Paul Bachmann and his Wife
I am thankful to Carewell Service to give my wife who has dementia a home, as well giving me a opportunity to be with her.
“ Everything is awesome” - The Story of Christine Wagner
"A small Love Story" - The story of Diane & Bruno, meet two of our special guests.
- Two who found each other -
“ A big thanks to you, Anita and all of the staff at Carewell! ”
Post on : a week ago
I want to again thank you and all of the staff at Carewell for all that you do to take care of my Dad. We know it has not been easy at times with him. We are grateful for all of the the patience and understanding that everyone shares with him.
I am really very grateful for the time I had with my Dad. Thank you for accomodating me the past days. I felt very welcome. I was also again reminded about what a great place you have created. All three of us know he is in the best place possible. Thank you for all that you have done to make this possible. We have a tremendous amount of respect and gratitude for the work that you do. Please pass our message on to the staff as well.
“ I am very thankful for the time I was allowed to spend there. ”
Post on : a week ago
For a long time, I have been watching the development at Carewell Service in Rawai. Several times I got deeper insight into the work done here by the nursing staff from the management and the owner. The professionalism with which we work here, the existing infrastructure and the services offered to the patients, stands international comparison.
Carewell Service has been a passion for older and sick people for 8 years now. I am very thankful for the time I was allowed to spend there.
“ Many thanks for all your team’s hard work. ”
Post on : 8 months ago
I want to again thank you and all of the staff at Carewell for all that you do to take care of my Dad. We know it has not been easy at times with him. We are grateful for all of the the patience and understanding that everyone shares with him. I am really very grateful for the time I had with my Dad. Thank you for accomodating me the past days. I felt very welcome. I was also again reminded about what a great place you have created. All three of us know he is in the best place possible. Thank you for all that you have done to make this possible. We have a tremendous amount of respect and gratitude for the work that you do. Please pass our message on to the staff as well.
“ Tolles Pflegeheim ”
Post on : 8 months ago
Nach verschiedenen Besuchen eines Freundes, der längere Zeit bei Carewell-Sevice betreut wurde, bin ich überzeugt, eine bessere Pflege als bei Carewell findet man für an Demenz Erkrankte nirgends wo. Die äusserst liebevolle und fachmännische Pflege durch ausgebildete Krankenschwestern und -pfleger ist einmalig. Die Kompetenz der Leitung der Residenz und die wunderbare und geschmackvoll eingerichtete Residenz selbst runden meinen äusserst positiven Eindruck ab.
“ BRAVO...euch Allen gehört meine grosse Anerkennung! ”
Post on : 16 April 2017
Jedesmal wenn ich meine langjährigen Freunde Carlo und Anita Somaini besuche bin ich aufs Neue beeindruckt was Sie , zusammen mit Ihrem Staff Tag und Nacht für Ihre pflegebedürftigen Patienten tun!
BRAVO...euch Allen gehört meine grosse Anerkennung! (Der nette Herr mit der 1 Sterne Bewertung war wohl nicht am selben Ort !?)
“ A big thanks to you, Anita and all of the staff at Carewell! ”
Post on : 16 July 2016
Vielen Dank, dass ich als Angehöriger eines Bewohners während 14 Monaten ein Teil der Carewell-Familie sein durfte. Liebevolle Pflege, Betreuung und Fachkompetenz zeichnen dieses Nursing Home aus.
Ich hätte mir für die letzte, leider viel zu kurze Lebenszeit meines Partners, keinen besseren Ort auf dieser Welt vorstellen können.
So kann das Leben auch mit schwerer Erkrankung bzw. Behinderung noch lebenswert sein. 5 Sterne plus!