& Accreditation

Awards of Carewell
Paracelsus Award 2016
Carewell-Services Company, Ltd Baan Tschuai Duu Lää (House of Help and Care)
Goldmedaille "Rose of Paracelsus Award"
In case of a positive decision of an EMA certification and approval, you have the possibility to be recommended for the "Rose of Paracelsus Award". The award is presented jointly by the EMA and the EBA to honor prominent regional medical institutions and the most successful medical doctors.
Nominated are companies and organizations which are the accreditation of leading world organizations, including; Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP), Joint Commissions; Accreditation Commission for Healthcare, Inc. (ACHC); HQAA; Trent accreditation system; SOFIHA; As well as those licensed by the government in health practice; Practitioners who have accreditation documents that confirm their qualifications, as well as a makellose reputation and professional experience of no less than 10 years; Scientists, scientific research in the field of medicine, as well as teachers in medical colleges. "Rose of Paracelsus Award recipient" receive the EMA Accreditation Certificate, Best Medical Practice. The EMA Certificate Best Medical Practice is a symbol of the reliability of a medical facility and a doctor and, according to the patients and the certification authority, confirms sustainable professional work.
Accreditation "Best of Medical Practice" for CAREWELL.

In 1990 the EMA was founded by doctors from 12 European member states, under the European Medical Association, according to Belgian law of 25.10.1919 as "international foundation with the pursuit of scientific objectives".
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The Europe Business Assembly (EBA) is an independent company for economic, social and humanitarian cooperation, founded in Oxford, Great Britain in 2000. The EBA is an interactive platform for the adaptation of European economic programs to living conditions in dynamically developing regions. It follows the guidelines of the European Union and the EU programs "Good Neighborhood" and "Eastern Partnership".
The main task of the institution and representative office of the EBA (and its strategic partners) is to create a positive image of the regions, businesses and personalities of the European economy.
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The European Society for Quality Research (ESQR) is the guardian of the ESQR Quality Performance Model: a set of actions applied in an organization with the purpose of meeting customers’ expectations.
By providing organizations with guidelines for achieving excellence in performance, the ESQR Quality Performance Model, leveraged by a network of academic experts and corporate executives, plays a vital role in helping organization improve their quality approaches and target customer satisfaction as an ultimate goal for business success.
Success for Carewell Service Co., Ltd. which was awarded the ESQR Quality Award 2017 in London after the Rose of Paracelsus Award 2016 in Dubai. Carlo Somaini as Business Development Manager at Carewell-Service Co., Ltd. and the head nurse Nattawut Khunraya (Khun Bo) were allowed to receive the prestigious ESQR quality award. We are proud and it confirms us in our daily work. Carewell-Service Co., Ltd. was honored with other well-known companies such as the BMW Group, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Unicredit, Döbling Private Hospitals, Cathay Pacific Airways, Konica Minolta, etc.
International award
The "ESQR's Quality Achievement Award 2017 Convention" was held on June 4, 2017 in London. Selected organizations, such as public administrations, universities and companies from Europe, Asia, America and Africa, were honored with the award of the "Quality Achievement Award" of the ESQR in recognition of their outstanding achievements.
Renowned executives from all continents, experts and professionals took part in the congress and award ceremony. This year the host was the renowned Grange St. Paul's Hotel in London. The conference, held in the morning, offered the opportunity to visit presentations, exchange experiences, propose initiatives, and network with potential partners from around the world. The evening was dedicated to awarding prizes and the presentation and appreciation of the excellent projects.